
This report presents the findings of the Liberia Demographic and Health Survey, implemented by the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs in 1986. The survey is part of the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Programme which is designed to collect data on fertility, family planning, and maternal and child health. Additional information on this survey can be obtained from the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs, P.O. Box 9016, Monrovia, Liberia. The Liberia

Demographic and Health Survey was carried out with the assistance of the Institute for Resource Development (IRD), a subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric Corporation, with offices in Columbia, Maryland. Funding for the survey was provided under a contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development (Contract No. DPE--3023-C~30-4083-00). Additional information about the DHS program can be obtained by writing to: DHS, IRD/Westinghouse, P.O. Box 866, Columbia, MD, 21044, U.S.A. (Telex 87775).

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