The Division of Economic Statistics at the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) plays a critical role in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating economic data that is essential for informed decision-making and policy formulation in Liberia. This division is dedicated to providing accurate and timely (high frequency) economic statistics that reflect the current state of the economy and support the nation's development goals.
The Division is structured into several specialized units, each focusing on key areas of economic activity. These units work collaboratively to ensure comprehensive coverage and high-quality data across various economic sectors.

Units of the Division and Some Economic Indicators

1. Industrial Statistics (CPI)

Consumer Price Index (CPI): measures the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. This indicator is crucial for understanding inflation and the cost of living.

Inflation Rate: measures the percentage change in the average price level of goods and services in an economy over a specified period, typically one year. It measures how much prices have increased (or decreased) compared to a previous period.

Average Prices: refer to the mean price level of a basket of goods and services in an economy over a specified period. These prices provide an aggregate measure of how much consumers are paying on average for a typical set of items.

Producer Price Index (PPI): measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output. It provides insights into inflation at the wholesale level.

2. External Trade Statistics

Trade Balance: The difference between the value of a country's exports and imports. It is a vital indicator of the country's trade health and economic relationships with other nations.

Import and Export Volumes: These indicators measure the total quantities of goods imported into and exported out of the country, providing insights into trade activity and economic integration.

Terms of Trade: This ratio compares the export prices to import prices, indicating the relative competitiveness of a country’s products in the global market.

3. National Accounts Statistics

Norminal (Current) Gross Domestic Product (CGDP): The total value of all goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific period. GDP is the primary indicator of economic health and growth.

Constant (Real) Gross Domestic Product (KGDP): This indicator is nominal gross domestic product adjusted for changes in prices (inflation) in the economy.

Per Capita GDP: The sum of gross value added by all domestic producers in the economy plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output, divided by mid-year population. GDP per capita provides a basic measure of the value of output per person, which is an indirect indicator of per capita income. The average income earned per person in a given area in a specified year. It provides a measure of the economic well-being of the population.

Government Final Consumption Expenditure: : This indicator measures General government final consumption expenditure (GGFCE) and consists of expenditure is estimated indirectly, incurred by the general Government on both individual consumption goods and services and collective consumption services (SNA,2008).

Real GDP Growth Rate: : The percentage rate of change in real GDP on an annual basis. This indicator is used as an indicator to measure the general health of the economy and is calculated from constant price GDP estimates in the local currency.

4. Agriculture Statistics

Crop Production Statistics: Data on the production volumes of various crops, which are essential for understanding the agricultural output and food security.

Livestock Statistics: : Information on the number and types of livestock, which is crucial for understanding the contribution of animal husbandry to the economy.

Agricultural Price Indices: Measures of price changes for agricultural products, which are important for understanding the economic conditions faced by farmers.

Land Use and Irrigation Statistics: : Data on land usage patterns and the extent of irrigated land, which provide insights into agricultural practices and potential for increased productivity.


The Division of Economic Statistics at LISGIS is committed to enhancing the availability and quality of economic data in Liberia. By focusing on key areas such as industrial statistics, external trade, national accounts, and agriculture statistics, the Division provides a comprehensive picture of the economic landscape. These datasets are invaluable for policymakers, researchers, and businesses in making informed decisions that drive sustainable economic growth and development in Liberia.

The office of the Department of Social Statistics is clothed with the responsibility of conducting studies on economic analysis of data collected from surveys and censuses undertaken by the Department of Statistics and Data Processing.
It is also responsible for conducting external and internal research inquiries from public and private sectors as it relates to surveys and censuses.
Cardinal of such surveys is the Demographic and Health Survey which is conducted after every five years to provide very important indicators like the Maternal Mortality rate, Prevalence of HIV, Nutrition, Fertility rate, Life Expectancy etc.
These data are key for policy formulation, improved service delivery and proper distribution of health delivery services and possible and affordable health care facilities. The department is expected to work closely with national and international consultants to achieve the organization's goals and deliver at workshops, seminars, and conferences

Meanwhile, due to the enormity of this Department, several sections were created to enhance productivity, data collection and have persons accountable for various indicators. They are namely the sections on gender, environment, and immigration for a start. These sections have routine activities that enhance data collection and quality

Units of the Division

1. Environment

The Environmental Statistics section is also a broad field with so much to do. LISGIS coordinates with EPA and other relevant institutions to collect statistics in this regard.

2. Migration Statistics

Migration is also an important aspect under statistics as it informs government of Border entry points (legal/ illegal), how porous or protected our borders are.Data collected from this section informs on migration pull, population density or how sparse our population is.

3. Gender Statistics

The Geo – Information Services Division of the Liberia Institute of Statistics & Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) has two sections which include; Geographic Information Services (GIS) and the Cartography sections.
The division performs the following tasks for the Institution, Land Ministries and Agencies and relevant partners both local and international:

  • Link spatial databases with tabular data which enable a person to visualize spatial patterns, relationships and geographic trends with the use of the coordinates systems.

  • Manage the Liberia National Geo-Spatial Database for all censuses and surveys.

  • Formulate thematic maps, geospatial analysis, delineation of EAs that serve as the national statistical sample frame for Censuses, surveys, and research, Spatial data collection, verification and updates.

  • Provides a methodological frame work (Land use and planning) for better estimation of urban/rural growth.

  • Provides support to spatial inputs, modelling environmental change detection and/or growth.

  • Develop and conduct geospatial training programs for Government Institutions, and other Land ministries and Agencies that are in the NSS (National Statistical System).

In summary, the geographic Information Services (GIS) Division of the Liberia Institute of Statistics & Geo – Information Services (LISGIS) performs thematic Maps production, stored and manages geographic information, perform spatial analysis for early warning and inform decision making, and model spatial processes with the use of the following:

  • 1. Hardware (computer, plotters, printers, scanners, etc.)
  • 2. Software (ArcGIS software and QGIS, etc.)
  • 3. Geospatial Data (vector and Raster data)