Occassion's information

  • Place of Occurance: Outside of Liberia
  • Date of Occurance: July 19, 2024
  • Capture By: Publicity Department

Staff of LISGIS recive awards in Communication Skills and Team Building

Three staffers from.LISGiS, assign in the office of the Director-General, recive awards for a five-days training in Communication Skills and Team Building. The training started on Monday 15th of July and officially came to an end on Friday, July 19, 2024 at the West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management ( WAIFEM) in Lagos, Nigeria.

The training covered several topics such as : 1. Essential Component of Communications 2. Teamwork and Effective Communication 3. Team Building, Team Culture and Corporate Values 4. Change Management and Overcoming Resistance 5. Role of Leadership in Team Building, Mentoring and Coaching, etc.

Dr. Baba Y. Musa, the Director General of WAIFEM, expressed his gratitude to all participants and their institutions, for accepting the invitation and their dedication to the training. He also extended his appreciation to the facilitators, for their contribution to the success of the program. Dr. Musa emphasized the importance of teamwork and encouraged participants to strive towards being effective team players and builders in their respective fields. All participants were certificated.